Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A little pearly white tooth....

Breastfeeding your baby is amazingly easy, once you get past the first month. Concieving, being pregnant, birthing children are all enough of a power trip individually, but also providing all of the new little person's nutrition for their first year of life is hard to rival as a very vital responsibility. I am proud to say that I have been successfully nursing my infant daughter for 10 months now. No bottles, no pacifiers, just me au natural. I don't plan on weaning her until she is good and ready and I have no idea as to when that may be. But,now I am afraid of this tiny little tooth that is poking out from my little, sweet Laurel's gums. I think about it everytime she needs to feed. I know it is silly, but more teeth will follow this first one and I am putting a sensitive part into her little mouth, even though now it is a safe mouth. But for how long.....


  1. Oh, you'll probably get a bit or two in the days to come :)

    Nursing your baby is the best start you can give them I think.

    I did it for 7mos with the first kid, 19mos for the second and 26mos for the third.

  2. It is very nice to hear from another mother who has nursed her children for longer than the trial period (the first months), which is hard to get through. No bites as of yet......
