Sunday, May 16, 2010


My son has a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep where he usually keeps the whole house up or at least hinders our quality of sleep. Being tired or exhausted does not make it easy to tolerate and handle properly his tantrums and obsessive behaviors. I believe that he does not understand what the feeling of being tired is. It confuses him and he becomes easily set off into one of his tantrums or worse yet one of his meltdowns. I wish I could explain it to him or rock him to sleep when he gets into this condition. Of course he fights being held and rocked and he is too strong to make him let you do it anyway. One night of poor sleep is felt for a day or two by his whole family and his bus drivers, teachers and kids in school. He is a grumpy bear to be around when the boy is sleep deprived. Thankfully, it doesn’t happen too often.