Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Who do you turn to?????

It has been over two and half years since my son's first medical diagnosis of Autism, and not much has changed for the little dude.  His speech has improved, thankfully and he will tolerate playing with other children and frequently will seek interaction with his sisters.  Sad fact is that there is NO-ONE who reached out to help your child, when he is special needs.  Especially those children with Autism.  Still so many people treat us mothers as if we mess up in some way.  The help is supposedly out there, but by golly she is hard to come by. 
It is like this....
here is your diagnosis....have a nice day.
Newbies are left assuming that help is on it's way...
Here is a tip....don't hold your breath.  Nobody advocates for your child and your family.  YOU are the only one who can.  Do not wrongly assume that "they" send out the Autism support team, to help you through the process.  You are left stumbling and fumbling your way through this obstacle course of steps to get your child the help he or she needs.  My imaginary "team" has yet to show up to help my son. 
Instead I am calling and calling and hoping and praying and cussing through these tedious steps that seem to be getting me no where.  Between his school, who disagreed with his medical diagnosis from over 2 years ago, but are finally in THAT long process of getting his educational Autism diagnosis, the community health in my area, which is like pushing a chain....and his pediatrician who treat our many questions as if we can wait indefinitely for help.  How long do we have to wait until his needs are important to these people who obviously pretend that he is a priority?  DO I have to come in raving like a lunatic, DEMANDING what we need?  Call twenty times a day for a damned referral so my son can see a doctor who can prescribe him something to make his life better? 
Poor kid screams many hours a day, flips back and forth from Laughing hysterically to punching his sister in her face, to sobbing uncontrollably, to acting as if nothing happened.  His anxiety and meltdowns are terrible on him, his raw throat, headaches, digestive problems, and not to mention the stress it puts on the family. 
Who do you turn to for actual HELP in Michigan, especially rural north-east area? 
How loud do I have to scream for someone to help my son?  Do I go in their office and have ME a meltdown to get my point across? Are we really truly left with no guidance from all these supposedly caring individuals who claim to have my son's best interest at heart. 
No wonder we parents of special need children are so depressed and keep to ourselves.