The county fair is coming to a close tonite and I must say that I am happy to see it end. My daughter improved from last year, her pig placed higher than rock bottom and she learned how to show a pig correctly as the judge awarded her Grand Champion Junior Showmanship. A considerable difference from the years past were she repeatedly lost the pig in the arena running wildly with the other pigs and one time never heard the judge trying to attract her attention to speak to her because her eyes were glued to her pigs rooting nose. She smiled, tapped the pig in all the right places as gently as can be and never ran after her or used her knees which awarded her a nice banner and pretty ribbon.
We only had one thievery incident which transpired on the night of the Livestock Auction, where we were accused of stealing our very own pig cane, that has been missing since show day and which someone thought they would like it as it is a brand spanking new one. Only problem it was ours and we wanted it back. After being mobbed by angry, guilty thieves we told them to just keep it because they obviously needed it more as they insisted repeatedly that it was theirs. Strangely long after everyone had dispersed and the barns were quiet a exact replica of the cane for which we were still missing and for which they insisted rudely was theirs, mysteriously showed back up hanging above my daughters hog pen. Someone must of made a mistake and owes my daughter an apology. Doubt we will ever get it, but no we know what sort of people we are attending fair with.
Lesson learned? Make sure you mark everything with your name or someone may like it more than you and accuse you of stealing something that is actually yours when you retrieve it.
Way to go Grand Champion Junior Showmanship! |
My daughter selling her pig at the auction |
My daughter the Diva enjoying some ice cream |
Young lady and her market steer |
Youth riding gymkhana events |
Youth flat track racing |
Winner of Cow Pie Bingo |
Dragging a almost 2 year old diva in training, who has picked up the art of imitating her autistic almost 5 year old brother is a cause to want to refrain from hanging up at the fair for longer than necessary. My patience is no longer in service this week. But do not worry as the piggies are graciously taken care of by the hubby's daughter and son in law or granddaughter or grandson. Thanks a million guys!