Here we go again...the man is catching the latest sniffle that has been making its way around the household and no doubt it will put him down for the count.
He'll continue to go to work and what-not, but when he is home, Lord have mercy, cause he'll be awfully sick and I'll be pretty darn annoyed.
When I am sick, I don't get any special treatment, or even have the chance for a nap.
But when a man gets sick, on the couch they plant themselves when they are home and "OH, my throat is sore!", "This headache or body ache or even both is so bad!" and don't forget the more than usual falling asleep on the couch, snoring through the kids running rampant and screaming, etc.
I am always making sure that he is taking whatever medicines, to try to help to ward off the crud, not only for his health, cause I truly care about him and don't want him to suffer and be sick.
Enough is enough when you are a adult and have a measly cold.
Get over it.
Mothers have to.
We don't get any sick days and never a fraction of the pity the male species receive when they are ill.
Oh, only to be a man, when you are sick.....
This commercial in the link below pretty much sums it up when dealing with a man and his special cold....
Vicks Man Cold commercial-LOVE IT