Friday, November 12, 2010


As a stay at home momma of three children, a son with autism, a near teenager who cannot hear the sound of her mother's voice, and a little 15 month old girl baby who is still being fed from my breast and also a full time student(online classes), most of the day I do not engage in much adult conversation.  Yeah, my man might blab about the current events or gripe about something like he is tired or just plain bitch or listen to me finally break down and go on a tangent.  My day is honestly crazy.  Like running up hill.  Dancing two steps forward and three steps back or doing things in slow-motion or similar to trying to run in water.  The man doesn't usually get it.  When they come home from work and we are talking a mile a minute at them it is because we have had only contact with little people who speak another language and think it is amazing that they defecated themselves.  The man may mistake the forward-type conversation as nagging.  Maybe it is a little, but it mostly is a money-grab for adult interaction.  Unfortunately the man usually wants to eat, read, shower and watch television in-between snoring sessions on the couch, and then go to bed, and leave me to continue to do the parenting job basically solo-pilot.  Why do men think that they can come into a house with other people and their offspring and get to relax and do everything they want when they want to do it.  He may be my best friend, but he is still a man, oblivious to the affect they have on the people in their lives.  My son usually gets overstimulated when the house transitions from Momma, son and baby daughter into Momma, Dad, big momma sissy, son and baby sis.  Buttons get pushed, testing of authority begins and usually mayhem erupts and I begin to get pissed and try to calm the boy, save the baby sis and keep the waters as calm as possible.  So tonight once the baby was asleep, and I had begun to accomplish some homework, the son wanted to watch some of his Handy Manny shows, so the man put the DVR recording on for the boy.  Then the man after sleeping for an hour and half, gets up and goes to bed.  SO fricking nice to have had NO adult conversation and he says he's watched all the Handy Manny he can stand.  Men are such selfish creatures.  All day I take care of the kids and try to accomplish my tons of homework, all while trying to keep a house, pay the bills, sell on e-bay and the job is 24/7. 
I think the worst was when after I had our daughter and the labor was days long, no sleeping because of the boys poor sleeping habits, me being uncomfortable with a little person stuck inside of me nine months cooked and having to pee so much because of the Urinary Tract Infection I developed and just plain being in labor for over 20 hours of 5 minutes a part at home before I finally couldn't handle it and went in and had the WORST birthing experience in the hospital.(That's another story) Anyway, the man left and went home.  WHAT?  I was pissed.  In fact I am still mad about it and one day I will tell him about it.  So I was all alone, even the nurses forgot to check on me for nearly 9 hours and I NEVER slept in the hospital for two days.  Exhaustion can make a person literally wish bad things and lose their usually levelheaded and patient minds.  No wonder I developed post-partum depression and of course the man said that was all in my head. 
WHEW!!  I am done for tonight.....

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